  • June Sister Cyclist, Carly Schreiber
  • kristi woo
June Sister Cyclist, Carly Schreiber

June 2 is Bike-to-School day here in Calgary, and riyoko is very proud to be a sponsor. We hope that days and events like these will help get more women riding at an earlier age. One of the teachers participating in this event is Carly Schreiber, a grade 5 and 6 Humanities Teacher at Simon Fraser Jr. High School. She took some time out of her busy end-of-year schedule to chat with us and tell us a little about her bicycling ways. 

Tell us a little about yourself.

I love sunshine, going on adventures with my family and playing outside. My newest pastime is cycling around Calgary with my daughter in the chariot behind me. 

Can you tell us a little more about the Bike 2 School event? How are you involved?

Bike 2 School is an event that encourages students to ride to school. With so many students relying on bus transportation, and living in communities they do not also go to school in, the students do not really get the chance to build in the daily walk, run, or bike-to-school activities that many of us grew up with. The Bike 2 School event day loosens time constraints and adds safety features to enable all students the opportunity to ride to school. I think nearly 90 schools are participating across the city this year - how cool is that?! I will be meeting students and riding in as part of a convoy that morning and riding to school.

What kinds of safety features will be added on Bike to School day to make it easier for the students to ride to school?

Individual teachers have been speaking to students about bike safety including road rules, as well as having bikes prepared and in good repair.There is strength in numbers. Students are encouraged to meet in their communities and then ride in together. All the routs have been mapped out to take as many pathway systems as possible. We are hoping that commuters will be mindful of these young riders when they are riding in the larger groups. Once all the riders arrive at school, we are securing the bikes in our gym for the day rather than trying to accommodate hundreds of bikes being locked up outside.

Tell us a little about your bike. 

Ummm…which one? I actually have three bikes, all serve a different purpose. I ride a Trek FuelX-8 out in the mountains. I have a Jamis Aurora that I have used for several cycle tour trips around different parts of North America, and now it hauls my chariot and serves as my commuter. My third bike might be my favourite; it was my mom's bike from the 70s with most of the original components. I added a basket to it last year. It is fun and comfortable, and I love that it is so old and still pedals smoothly.

What started you biking? 

Cycling in the city came as a result of living in the inner-city neighbourhood of Sunnyside in Calgary. It was far more convenient to ride a bike to get where I needed to go, and it was less stressful. Having the river pathways right near my house was awesome and got me biking almost every night. Since then, I have taken up touring, and completed several bicycle tours, riding and camping for weeks on end. The treats at the bakery/ coffee shop that I encounter along the road less traveled sure taste better after a day of riding!

As for mountain biking, I bought my first mountain bike about 15 years ago after taking a riding hiatus for a few years. I was inspired by those riders taking the single track and not the paved pathways. It looked like it was more fun. After my first true ride in the mountains, I was muddy and bloody, and I was hooked!

What do you like best about travelling in your city? 

Travelling by bike is such a unique way to view the world. Yousee way more than you ever would in a car…and it is faster and more fun than simply walking. Plus, I get to avoid traffic and get some exercise. 

What do you never leave home without when riding? 

A tube, some tools, and $20. You never know what you will see. Sometimes I see lots of patios and need to stop to hydrate.

What is your philosophy?

Play outside! 



  • kristi woo

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